Strategies for Spiritual Harvest Free Course
Jesus told His disciples that the fields are white unto harvest, but the harvesters are few. It is up to us, His Church, to go out into the highways and byways and share the Good News of His Kingdom with the lost, bringing hope and true Life to many
Foundations of Faith Free Course
This course stresses the importance of proper spiritual foundations for life and ministry by focusing on foundations of the Christian faith identified in Hebrews 6:1: Repentance, faith, baptism, laying on of hands, resurrection, and eternal judgment.
Kingdom Living Free Course
The "Gospel of the Kingdom" shall be preached in all the world before the return of Christ. Understanding Kingdom principles is necessary to spread the Gospel. Jesus, the disciples, and John the Baptist all preached the Kingdom of God. So should we.
Ministry of the Holy Spirit Free Course
Learn the nature and personality of the Holy Spirit and why it is so important to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and led intimately by Him. Learn the fruits and the gifts of the Spirit and how to operate in them.
Knowing God's Voice Free Course
The Lord speaks in mysterious ways, but His sheep know His voice. This course explains how God speaks to us, how we know clearly when it is Him, and when it is our mind, culture, fears, unbelief, other people's opinions, our own traditions, etc.
Creative Bible Study Methods Free Course
This course will teach you how to study God's Word for yourself. You will not have to rely on the research of others because you will be able to create your own Bible studies based on your study of God's written Word, fully trusting in His Word.