Divine Division Free Course
We think of Jesus as the Prince of Peace, which He is, but He tells us in His Word that He also came to divide--the sheep from the goats, the wise from the foolish, the wheat from the tares. We must also separate from anything that hinders us.
Covenant of Abraham
What is the true message conveyed through the story of Abraham and the promises God gave him? What is the significance? How do these promises impact believers today? Do they effect your destiny, and if so, how?
Understanding Biblical Numbers
There are hidden secrets to discover just under the surface of God's Word. This foundational study will equip you to interpret the spiritual meaning of numbers used in Scripture and open up new depths of knowledge that have been waiting for you.
Prisoners of the Lord
If you are currently in prison or jail, there are many good rehabilitation programs, but the plan of God is the only one that guarantees true freedom--freedom from sin, regret, shame, failure--because Jesus paid for it all.
Bitter Water
No matter what this life has thrown at you, your tears and suffering are so dear to the Lord that He holds them in a bottle near His heart. It is important to let His light into every dark and broken place to heal you, and bring that to others.
Strategic Spiritual Warfare
The entire record of God's Word, the Bible, describes men and women who faced difficult battles of life. In fact, the Apostle Paul describes life as a combat, conflict, and continual wrestling. We must fight the good fight of faith, victorious in Him