Associate of Arts Degree in Ministerial Studies

Here are the 22 anointed courses included in your degree program:

Associate Degree in Ministerial Studies Program Overview

You have two years, or 730 days, to complete your 22-course, Harvestime International Curriculum Associate Degree program, ending with a 450-question final exam. You will also need to read, or listen to the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts. Your Associate of Ministerial Studies Degree Program includes the following courses and more:

  • STRATEGIES FOR SPIRITUAL HARVEST: The initial call of Jesus Christ to men was to be spiritually reproductive: "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." His final command, that of the Great Commission, also challenged followers to spiritual reproduction. Using the analogy of the natural harvest, this course focuses on promises of spiritual harvest, things that prevent harvest, and keys to effective harvest. It communicates the vision which the remainder of Institute training equips students to fulfill.

  • FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH: This course stresses the importance of proper spiritual foundations for life and ministry by focusing on foundations of the Christian faith identified in Hebrews 6:1: Repentance, faith, baptism, laying on of hands, resurrection, and eternal judgment.

  • KINGDOM LIVING: The "Gospel of the Kingdom" shall be preached in all the world before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:14). Understanding of Kingdom principles is necessary if one is to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom. This course focuses on patterns and principles of Kingdom living applicable to life and ministry.

  • SPIRITUAL STRATEGIES: A MANUAL OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE: This course moves participants beyond the natural world into the realm of the spirit. Tactics of the enemy are analyzed and strategies of spiritual warfare assuring victory over the principalities and powers of the spirit world are explained.

  • MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: This study focuses on the ministry of the Holy Spirit, spiritual fruit, and spiritual gifts. Students are guided in discovery of their own spiritual gifts and position of ministry in the Body of Christ.

  • KNOWING GOD'S VOICE: This course explains how God speaks to men today and how to find His general and specific plans for life. A Christian model for decision making is presented, along with guidelines for overcoming wrong decisions, steps to take if you have missed the will of God, and methods for dealing with questionable practices.

  • CREATIVE BIBLE STUDY METHODS: This course equips students for personal study of the Word of God after the conclusion of Institute training. Students learn how to study the Bible by book, chapter, paragraph, verse, and word. Other methods taught include biographical, devotional, theological, typological, and topical. Special guidelines for studying Bible poetry and prophecy are presented and students are taught methods of charting and outlining.

  • BASIC BIBLE SURVEY: This survey provides an overview of the entire Bible, including an overview of the Old Testament and the New Testament. Study outlines of each book of the Bible are provided for further development by the student.

  • DEVELOPING A BIBLICAL WORLD VIEW: This course examines the Biblical world view from Genesis through Revelation. God's plan for the nations of the world from the beginning of time is detailed. Current worldwide spiritual need is also presented.

  • TEACHING TACTICS: This course examines the methods Jesus used to teach and preach the Gospel. Students are taught how to prepare and present lessons and how to teach and preach the Gospel...and much more...

Tuition Options

Our goal is to make getting a Bible College education as affordable for everyone as possible, for anyone anywhere in the world. If $199 is still too much for your particular situation, please consider our low monthly payment options.

Nothing is more valuable to your life than God's Word itself!

Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts as part of your Associate's Degree required reading..

Prayerfully and reverently read, or listen to, the above books of the Bible, not hurriedly, but meditating on them to allow the Holy Spirit entrance into your heart. Be sure to highlight or underline key verses and take notes in a journal. Jesus is the Word of God!

The Heart Behind This Ministry Training

"I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." John 4:35b

Argis and Patricia Hulsey

President and Vice President, Harvestime International Ministries

We are so blessed to offer the anointed Harvestime International curriculum. "The purpose of Harvestime International Ministries: It was upon the spiritual harvest fields of the world that Jesus Christ constantly focused the attention of His disciples: "Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest." (John 4:35) The challenge given by our Lord is for laborers, men and women who know how to reap the spiritual harvest fields of the world for the Kingdom of God. It is to this purpose that Harvestime International Network is dedicated–to recruit, train, motivate, and mobilize a network of international harvesters capable of: 1. Intercession for international spiritual harvest:…The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest. (Matthew 9:37-38) 2. Articulation of the principles of spiritual harvest: And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. (2 Timothy 2:2) 3. Demonstration of the principles of spiritual harvest: And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. (1 Corinthians 2:4-5) 4. Communication of the urgency of the mandate for worldwide spiritual harvest: The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. (Jeremiah 8:20) 5. Mobilization of members of the Body of Christ to reap their appointed fields in worldwide, end-time harvest:…He reserveth unto us the appointed weeks of the harvest. (Jeremiah 5:24) If English is not your native language, please visit directly to take their courses in Cebuano, Chichewa, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian, Sinhala, – සිංහල, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil, – தமிழ், Thai, Urdu. (Not all courses are available in all languages.) While you are there, please pray for their ministry and leave a donation, if you like. Then come back to our website and take the final exam in English (you can have it translated with your own software). We are a separate ministry and use their courses, with permission, for the expansion of the Gospel and preparation of the saints to go into the harvest field. Whether you need the additional languages or not, please pray for their ministry and feel free to donate to them, if you like. Their website is www.

Tuition Options

Our goal is to make getting a Bible College education as affordable for everyone as possible, for anyone anywhere in the world. If $199 is still too much for your particular situation, please consider our low monthly payment options.