Bachelor Degree Program Includes:

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth." 2 Tim 2:15

Bachelor Degree in Theology Program Overview

This program requires students to be a minimum age of 18 and have an earned Associate Degree from a Bible College or secular institution of higher learning. If you do not yet have this credential, please register for the Associate Degree program first. You have two years, or 730 days to complete the 20-courses in this curriculum and complete the 450-question final exam with a passing grade of 70% or more. You will also need to read, or listen to, the following books of the Bible in their entirety: Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Romans, Hebrews, 2 Corinthians, and Revelation.:

  • Discovering Christ and His Kingdom - Discover who Jesus Christ is and His plan of redemption for mankind that began with a promise in the Garden of Eden--for His Kingdom to be manifest on this earth. Realize who you are in Christ and what it means to live in the Kingdom of God now.

  • The Savior of the World - To believe that "Jesus is the Christ" is to believe that He is the Anointed, the Messiah spoken of by the prophets, the Lamb of God, the Savior of the world. In Him alone is the hope of the world--the salvation of mankind.

  • The Foundation of Christian Faith - Believers in Christ have to know that our faith, as Christians, rests upon God and His holy Word, and the finished work of Jesus on the cross. If you have questions about how life began, how it will end, who God is, what sin is, what faith is, and if the Bible is true--this is the course for you!

  • Introduction to Christian Theology - All Christians should be consumed with theology--the intense, personal study of God--in order to know, love, and obey the One with whom we will joyfully spend eternity. He is immeasurably greater than we are, but He reveals Himself to us all in His holy Word, and beckons us to know Him more!

  • Christian Religion and Biblical Doctrine - Christianity is one of the largest religions in the world, but its growth is characterized by rapid divisions and the emerging of false doctrines. This course will help students to understand what is true and what is false in Christian doctrine, by focusing on the Truth of God's Word.

  • Principles of Hermeneutics - This course tackles the 51 main principles to consider to properly interpret God's holy Word. These principles must be applied while praying to be led by the Holy Spirit, as you read and consider the historical settings and audience of the writer.

  • Guide to Christian Living and Spiritual Growth - Live empowered in Jesus and the Holy Spirit by living for God and surrendering to the work of the Holy Spirit in your life, through the sacrifice of Jesus and salvation through faith in His finished work on the cross. Live a happier, fulfilled, powerful, Spirit-led life in Christ!

  • Holy Spirit in the Kingdom of God - The Holy Spirit is our Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, and gives us the victory over sin. It is by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that we are transformed into the likeness of Christ, sanctified, and empowered to do His will in this earth.

  • Spiritual Warfare in the World - Whether we realize it or not , war has been waged against us by Satan because of his deep hatred of God and because we are made in God's image and likeness and beloved by Him. Satan was ultimately defeated at the cross of Christ, but his deceptions and tricks must be countered in spiritual warfare, because his goal on this earth is to kill, steal, and destroy. Jesus came that we might have life, and that more abundantly, and through His death on the cross, He gave us freedom from Satan, release from his stronghold over our lives, and He bought back with His blood the authority over darkness that Adam gave away in the Garden of Eden.

Tuition options

Our goal is to make getting a Bible College education as affordable for everyone as possible, for anyone anywhere in the world. If $399 is still too much for your particular situation, please consider our low monthly payment options.

Nothing is more valuable to your life than God's Word itself!

Read Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Romans, Hebrews, 2 Corinthians, and Revelation, which are required reading for this program. Multiple translations are available.

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing the Word of God.

Listen to God's Word now. Multiple languages are available.

Theology Courses by Evangelist Phillip Matingwina

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth." 2 Tim 2:15

Evangelist Phillip Matingwina


TESTIMONY OF EVANGELIST PHILLIP MATINGWINA I was born in Zimbabwe and at the age of 17, God called me into the ministry of evangelism through prophecies of many Christian leaders. After completing my "O" and "A" level education, God wanted me to serve Him in the church and l refused.  A.F.M (Apostolic Faith Mission) church wanted me to go and study theology in Living Waters Seminary and still l refused by diverging to another college with a mission of studying Automotive Engineering. After enrolling for Automotive Engineering l then decided to change the course to study marketing management Diploma. After finishing my Diploma of marketing management, nothing was going well in my life because l was just like Jonah who was sent to Nineveh and went to the opposite direction - Tarshish. There was a big tension of my own desire and God's call. God then continued coming to me through visions. I had a vision of seeing myself following a rainbow from where it started on earth up to in heaven, where l was instructed to come back and minister the gospel to the lost sheep of God. l descended straight into the church which was full of members from all over the world. After some days God showed me another vision of 3 white doves resting on my forehead. The visions continued consecutively in different ways and l was very burdened until l consulted one of AFM (Apostolic Faith Mission) pastors for help. Still God continued with His plan of sending me and showed me another vision of a moon surrounded by 12 shining heads of Jesus Christ's apostles. And finally, God came to me in the form of a sun, in this vision l tried by all means to runaway but still the sun was coming to me very fast. Then the sun covered my face and disappeared. And after that wherever direction l looked there was light which was making darkness to disappear. It took a long time for me to accept my calling. *God called me in 3 different ways: 1 Through prophecies of other Christian leaders. 2 Through visions. 3 Through circumstances and situations.  At first l ignored what pastors were saying and what was coming to me through visions by giving a lot of excuses as a way running away from God's work, but God finally used situations until l accepted the call. It was exactly the time when l started to realize that there is someone who have been ruling before creation of everything and this Person have to rule my life as well if l am to be a child of God. I believe that God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is a King without beginning and end.  l then surrendered my life to the King Jesus Christ in 2008 so that l can be in His Kingdom as His servant (that was discovering Christ and His Kingdom in my life). I do not just regard Christ as the iKng of the universe, but also as King of my life. Realizing that l have to repent, submit to Christ, and live for God is part of "DISCOVERING CHRIST AND HIS KINGDOM" and this is where the title of this course originated. Since 2008, many churches in Zimbabwe and in South Africa started inviting me in their crusades and according to reports, lives of many people were being transformed after my services of evangelism. I believe God has called and anointed me before I was born to share the good news about my Savior (Christ) tirelessly. "Before l formed you in the womb l knew you, and before you were born l consecrated you, l appointed you a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5  Assurance in my salvation and ministry is directly related to my confidence in Jesus Christ. I know that I am saved because I am confident in Jesus Christ. 1 John 5:13 Being so confident about my effort in salvation and ministry sounds arrogant. If my confidence was in myself, my works, and my accomplishments, I would be arrogant. However, my confidence is in the person, the works, and the accomplishments of Jesus Christ, not myself. I place all of my confidence in Him because I have no confidence in my ability to get into heaven or to work for the Lord. Moreover, I know I would not be able to sustain any effort on my part to secure my salvation and my ministry. However, I know that Jesus’ efforts will endure perfectly forever. I would like to humble myself saying my effort is too little in the works of God, so l thank God who is doing all the great work through me. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13 I hope you will enjoy and benefit through these lessons. God bless you, Amen. Evangelist Phillip Matingwina, D.Th Phillip has earned his Associate's Degree in Ministerial Studies, his Bachelor's Degree in Theology, his Master's in Biblical Theology, and his Doctor of Education Degree in Biblical Theology and has blessed this ministry and the Body of Christ with the following anointed courses that he provided to this ministry for the education and edification of the Body of Christ for the expansion of God's Kingdom. We hope they bless you tremendously. His courses include: Discovering Christ and His Kingdom Principles of Hermeneutics The Spiritual Journey of a Christian  Leadership in Ministry Introduction to Christian Theology The Foundation of Christian Faith Ministry of Evangelism Divinity of Christ The New Testament The Old Testament and many more... His books are also available on, so please support his ministry by buying and distributing his books to those who would be blessed by them!

Tuition options

Our goal is to make getting a Bible College education as affordable for everyone as possible, for anyone anywhere in the world. If $399 is still too much for your particular situation, please consider our low monthly payment options.